Curate Momentum Balanced Fund
This fund is designed to generate returns well above inflation over time. It is ideal for use within a retirement annuity, or for investors looking to build their wealth over periods longer than 5 years.
Why invest in this fund?
- A diversified portfolio of both local and global assets.
- High potential returns over long periods with moderate levels of risk.
- Ideal for retirement annuities or preservation funds.
- Designed to maintain and grow your wealth by outperforming inflation.
Risk profile
Moderate - High

Low risk
High risk
Investment term
5+ years
Asset class

Managed by
Visio Fund
Visio is a South African firm with a global focus. It has team members based in Australia, Israel, and the UK, giving it the flexibility to explore interesting ideas wherever they may be found.
It prides itself on doing thorough research in both the usual and not-so-obvious places to find the best opportunities for investors.
The fund is designed to deliver long-term growth. It aims to beat inflation by more than 5% over any 5-year period.
Investment philosophy
In building this diversified portfolio, Visio looks for investments that can be bought for less than the firm believes they are worth.
This limits downside risk, while also creating the potential for long-term gains.
Its investment approach is based on developing innovative ideas and conducting extensive and thorough research.
Fund-related risks
The value of the investments in the portfolio can move up and down through time.
Extreme events in the stock market could have a particularly large impact on this portfolio.